Drive a Car
According to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University, women are 77% more likely to survive car accidents than men. Tell your guy to drive slower and buckle up!
Science has proven that women are better communicators than men. Louann Brizendine, neuro-pyschiatrist at the University of California at San Francisco, found that women can process 20,000 words a day compared to men’s 7,000 words. This difference is biological and begins as early as the fetal stage!
A study at the University of Western Ontario found that women handle the stress of a job interview better than men. Although women feel nervous before an interview, they discuss those fears and practice interviewing with friends and family.
Men, on the other hand, distract themselves by playing basketball or video games. When it comes to time to interview, they're unprepared
Graduate College
Female enrollment is higher than male enrollment, but the Department of Education statistics also show that men are less likely to graduate and get their bachelor's degrees. On average, men also take longer than five years to complete their degree.
Eat Healthier
Woman are likely to choose much healthier foods than men, according to a survey of 14,000 people conducted by the University of Minnesota. Men have no problem chowing down on pizza and red meat, while women prefer fruits and veggies.
Maintain a Strong Immune System
No wonder men act like babies when they're sick. According to a study done by McGill University, estrogen gives women an edge when it comes to fighting off infections. It contains a certain enzyme that hinders the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.
Live Longer
According to the England Centenarian Study, among the world's population of those who are over 100 years old, 85 percent are women. On average, women live five to 10 years longer than men.
Manage Employees
Many experts believe that women are better in managerial roles, especially in a tough economy. They are naturally better listeners and problem solvers, which allows them to be better at activating passion in their employees.
Invest Money
Although fewer women invest in stocks than men, the ones who do invest in shares do it better than their male counterparts. According to the National Association of Investors Corporation, on average, women earn 1.4% more than men in their stock portfolios.
Cope with Stress
Women tend to seek contact with others when they are under stress, while men tend to hold feelings in. Expressing feelings out loud is a much better way of coping with stress.
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